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WP1 Project Management
CALYPSO South project meeting
CALYPSO South brings together 7 partners from Malta and Sicily. These are:
The Physical Oceanography Research Group within the University of Malta
which is coordinating the project as lead partner;
Polo Territoriale Universitario della Provincia di Trapani within
Università degli Studi di Palermo as the Sicilian focal point;
The Port and Yachting Directorate within Transport Malta;
CUTGANA within the Università di Catania;
Unità Operativa Complessa ST3 within Agenzia Regionale per la
Protezione dell’Ambiente della Sicilia
Istituto per lo studio degli impatti Antropici e Sostenibilità in
ambiente marino del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Civil Protection Department of Malta
Six meetings are planned during the implementation of the project. These will
serve primarily as a forum of discussion between the partners to ensure
successful implementation of the project. Other meetings include three half-day
seminars open to the general public and five stake holder’s meetings to promote
the cross-border exchange between responsible entities for civil protection,
surveillance and security especially in connection with response to hazards from
oil spills in the region, and to search and rescue operations.