| 09/04/2018 | International seminar on marine intelligence |
| 14/04/2018 | Study of the south of Malta seas |
| 13/07/2018 | University-led international course on Blue Growth |
| 10/08/2018 | Pelagic Acoustic Fish Survey in the Malta Channel |
| 02/10/2018 | MALTEX 2018 - National oil pollution response exercise |
| 11/10/2018 | Oil spill scenario east of Malta |
| 19/10/2018 | CMEMS releases 2nd Ocean State Report |
| 25/10/2018 | CALYPSO South joins European meeting on HF radar data standards |
| 25/10/2018 | Feeling the pulse of the Mediterranean Sea |
| 01/11/2018 | Tsunami waves hit Malta |
| 18/11/2018 | RFI measurements in progress |
| 22/11/2018 | Launch of Copernicus4Regions publication featuring KAPTAN |
| 12/02/2019 | MOU signed between UNIPA and Municipality of Ragusa |
| 05/03/2019 | CALYPSO HF radar network featured in Remote Sensing of Environment |
| 20/06/2019 | A tsunami-like phenomenon in St Paul's Bay |
| 10/09/2019 | KAPTAN as a use case on CMEMS |
| 27/09/2019 | CALYPSO South at Science in the City 2019 |
| 15/10/2019 | CMEMS releases 3rd Ocean State Report |
| 19/10/2019 | First sea level measurements on the southern coast of Malta |
| 16/12/2019 | Malta shelf area battles high waves |
| 17/01/2020 | CALYPSO South presented at MIWS2020 |
| 04/03/2020 | Studying Operational Oceanography in Malta |
| 21/07/2020 | CMEMS releases 4th Ocean State Report |
| 31/08/2020 | Robot sailors |
| 07/10/2020 | Planning highways in the sea |
| 27/10/2020 | CALYPSO South ampliamento della copertura della rete HF |
| 12/11/2020 | Installate le stazioni meteo a Pozzallo e a Marina di Ragusa |
| 29/05/2021 | CALYPSO South ampliata la copertura della rete HF |
| 10/06/2021 | CALYPSO South drifter experiment launched |
| 14/06/2021 | CALYPSO South drifter experiment update |
| 12/08/2021 | Inauguration of HF Radars and Press Conference |
| 17/08/2021 | Strong marine heat wave strikes the Maltese Islands |
| 22/10/2021 | CALYPSO South l'alta tecnologia a servizio della comunita transfrontaliera Italia-Malta |